Session 7


Turn Dreams into Reality


Starting New - Stepping into Your New Year Transformed

As we stride into the heart of our transformative journey, Session 7 invites you to explore the Gateway to a Fresh Start. Ever pondered, "When is my perfect time to begin my new year with purpose and clarity?" The answer lies within; this session is your key to unlocking it.

The veil between years has lifted, and before you lies an expanse of potential. Yet, how do you navigate this fertile ground, ensuring your steps lead not to another year of regrets but to a fulfilling future? The answer lies within the enigmatic Gate 41: Decrease, the Gate of Contraction.

Today, we start anew with fresh eyes, fresh thoughts, and trust in ourselves.

"Aslan: There is no Narnia,' said Aslan.

'In one sense, Narnia is you and you are Narnia. Every tear you have wept, every drop of blood you have shed, is the history of Narnia. Therefore, it always is and always will be." - (The Voyage of the Dawn Treader)

This speaks to the interconnectedness and cyclical nature of existence, echoing the concept of Emanation associated with Gate 41. Suggesting that true transformation involves not just individual growth but also a contribution to the collective potential, leaving an indelible mark on the world around us.


Some of the questions you'll ponder:

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    How do I prepare myself for my future?           

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    Will I allow myself to make my dreams a reality?   

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    Uncover the limitation of resources that maximizes the development of your potential.

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    Am I ready to surrender?


Outcomes for Session 7 : Dreams become Reality

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Your outcomes by the end of the week:



Let go of the past, embrace the present, and allow the dreams to flow.



You only have this moment. 



Clearly know what is a fresh start.

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