Session 3

Using Tension to Discover Your Why


Discover Your Hero's Journey

On December 31st, we shift from mere celebration to intentional reflection, exploring the past year for threads of purpose and spirit.
This workshop isn't about resolutions on January 1st but patient contemplation. We avoid the trap of forcing outcomes based on past regrets. Instead, we embrace radical honesty, allowing the tension within to exist without immediate action.

Finishing up with gratitude and stepping into the new with intention. Craft a life aligned with your truest self, painting the canvas of the upcoming year with authenticity and purpose. Your journey begins now.

Avoid the trap of forcing outcomes based on past regrets. Embrace truth, allowing your tension to exist without immediate action. Discover what is most important to you and what is your "WHY” through completing your past.

Knowing what is worth fighting for provides a clear sense of purpose, guiding individuals through challenges with resilience and determination. It instills a deep sense of meaning, fostering the strength to overcome obstacles and pursue meaningful goals.

We avoid the trap of forcing outcomes based on past regrets. Instead, we embrace radical honesty, allowing the tension within to exist without immediate action.

Knowing your why, and aligning to your values, gives you the direction forward.

Some of the questions you'll ponder:

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    What gives purpose to your life? 

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    What have you been fighting for? 

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    Does your purpose align with your values?


Outcomes for Session 3 : Fighting for Your Why

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Your outcomes by the end of the week:



Knowing the driving force behind your actions



Support your growth and development.



Clearly understand how your purpose is aligned with your "WHY."

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