Session 4

Discover How To Embrace Ambition


The "Who" of Ambition: Building Your Tribe for Transformation

Discover the driving force within you. Where does Ambition show up in your life, and does it support your purpose? Identify people who support your talents, skills, and transformation and people you can let go. Identify how to embrace your drive to ‘rise up’ healthily and inspire others to transform alongside you.

Remember, we discovered your "Why," that purpose that propels you forward. Now, let's shift gears and unlock the "Who" – the essential tribe that forms the scaffolding of your ambitions. These are the comrades, the cheerleaders, the mirrors reflecting your best self.

Ubuntu whispers: "I am because we are." Your life isn't a solo act. Desmond Tutu reminds us that we, our ambitions, and our transformations are woven with the threads of those around us.

“Bringing people together is what i call ‘ubuntu,’ which means ‘I am because we are.’ Far too often people think of themselves as just individuals, separated from one another, whereas you are connected and what you do affects the whole world. When you do well, it spreads out; it is for the whole of humanity.” - Desmond Tutu


Some of the questions you'll ponder:

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    Who are your allies & cheerleaders?           

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    Who opens doors?   

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    Is greed present in your life?

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    How can I use ambition to inspire?


Outcomes for Session 4 : Building Your Tribe

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Your outcomes by the end of the week:



Knowing who brings out your strengths



What innately fuels your ambition?



Clearly know who and what to let go of in your life.

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