Session 5


The Truth About You


Inspiration Unfolds: Inner Truth Becoming Your Guiding Light

Embark on a transformative exploration of your inner truth and the mysteries that shape your existence. Gate 61, known as the "Inner Truth, The Gate of Mystery," beckons you to dive deep into the universal underlying principles that guide your life. This journey goes beyond rational thinking, inviting you to surrender to the unknowable and embrace the mutative process that inspires transformation.

Discover the power of your own inner truth. Grounded in facts and details, this is a time to transcend routine and imagine the possibilities that lie ahead. Resist the urge to act prematurely; instead, remember to WAIT. Follow your decision-making process based on body intelligence, unlocking the key to your true potential.

In the words of Cynthia, "The biggest cheerleader is meant to be YOU!"

Take a moment to reflect, imagine, and be inspired. Consider the potential possibilities waiting around the corner and how your unique gifts can meet the world's needs.

Embark on this journey of self-discovery, where inspiration unfolds, and your inner truth becomes a guiding light. The mysteries of life are yours to explore, and the time for reflection is now.

“There is a voice within you that whispers all you need to know. You have only to be silent enough to hear it." - Rumi


Some of the questions you'll ponder:

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    What do you love to do?           

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    What noise is distracting you?   

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    What inspires you?

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    What resonates with your inner knowing?


Outcomes for Session 5 : Quieting Your Mind

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Your outcomes by the end of the week:



Tools & skills to support reflection



What is your inner truth?



Clearly know who and what to let go of in your life.

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